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Mount Elgon National Park

Mount Elgon National park is no stranger to vivid vegetation, botanical wonders, and extraordinary wildlife and unique atmosphere and One of the main National parks in Uganda.

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Uganda is no stranger to vivid vegetation, botanical wonders and extraordinary game and unparalleled wildlife. One of the many National parks in Uganda is the Mount Elgon National park. 


The park occupies 1,279 Square klicks aka square kilometers bisected and uniquely split between both Kenya and Uganda.

Why to Visit Mount Elgon National Park


Vegetation is one of the key landmarks of Elgon national park ranging from montane forest to towering open moorland Freckled with the giant lobelia and groundsel plants. 


Not only is the vegetation extremely unique, but alters and changes with the altitude, for example, the mountain slopes are inhabited by olive plants at higher altitude the olive plants are swapped for gracilior forest and so on and so forth. 


Wildlife of Mount Elgon National Park


With a record of over 400 species no wonder, Elgon Park is considered one of the botanical havens in the world. The amazing diversity of the park lends itself kindly to the wildlife equally with a unique variety of birds, mammals, and invertebrates. 


Home to at least 144 bird species and the discovery place of an endangered dragonfly back in  2005 and hosting more than half of the butterfly population of Uganda as half of them have been reported there Elgon Park van not be described as anything short of amazing.

Things to Do at Mount Elgon National Park


1- Climb Mount Elgon 


Climbing Mount Elgon is a thrilling alternative in East Africa. It is easier to access through the year round. Besides, it has a variety of the same attractions, but with milder climate and lower elevation. 


2- Bird Watching


The park offers excellent birding chances around Kapkwai Forest Exploration Centre. It supports various of birds such as the Chubb’s Cisticola, White-chinned Prinia, African Blue Fly-catcher, Chinspot Batis, Mackinnon’s Fiscal, Dohertys and Luhders Bush-shrikes, the African Goshawk; Baglafecht Weaver, Cinnamon Bee Eater, Moustached Tinkerbird, Hartloub`s Turaco, Tacazze Sunbird, Olive- and Bronze-naped pigeons, Black Kite and Black-collared Apalis.


3- Hiking 


Passing through tropical and bamboo forest, The mountain bamboo trail to Kapkwai Cave is 7 kilometers or 4 hours. Along the trail, you will find various birds and rare trees such as Elgon teak and Elgon olive.


You can also hike to the Tutum Cave, with the chance of camping overnight beside the cave.


In Wanale, a visit to Khauka Cave will take three to four hours. To see Jackson's Summit and Wagagai peak, one can head to the viewpoint through Nabuyoga loop. 


In Budadiri, there are various short day hikes that cover the Mudagi Cliffs, Sasa River Camp and Drigana lower falls. 


4- Nature Walks


You can take a full-day nature walk from Budadiri to the Mudange cliffs. Located at the boundary of the national park, it is known as the Walls of Death. The cliffs are situated in the tropical forest where blue monkeys, black-and-white colobus and baboons are likely to pass by. 


You can have guided walks for a few hours from locals at Sipi Falls. A 20-minute sunrise trek In Kapchorwa is an excellent way to enjoy the perfect sunrise. 

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Mount Elgon National Park is located 140 kilometers (87m) northeast of the famous Lake Victoria. 


Best Time to Visit


Mount Elgon National Park is open for its visitors all year round. However, the dry season offers a better experience. During the dry season, from June to August and from December to March is the best time to climb Mount Elgon.


Although the park can be visited during the whole year, the wet season is the hardest time for mountain climbing. However, it can be done.