Keeping It Fun, Your Quarantine Indoor Family Activities Guide!
Quarantine is not easy on your own but it can be even more challenging if you have young children at home.
With the pandemic all over the world and schools now on a shutdown mode, you now find yourself at home with not much to do but to bare it all for as long as you can.
But what can you do to best survive quarantine with children?
Well, take lots of deep breaths and drink an immense amount of chamomile tea is definitely a good way to start, but how to deal with the infinite amount of energy that children can have at times?
We have come up with a list of 6 best activities to do with children while quarantining together as a family:
Family Painting Class
Painting is known to be one of the most therapeutic forms of art, lowering levels of anxiety while improving and boosting your mood and mental health. Painting is also a great activity to sparkle creativity and to fight boredom.
Getting the whole family involved into a painting project could be a great way to spend quality time while the world collapse over the coronavirus pandemic, maybe you can all paint into one canvas as a family and work together on a piece to hang it in your dining area or a special place in the house, or you could each individually create a painting of your own.
This activity is sure to boost everyone’s serotonin levels and bring you all closer together in these difficult times.

Family Cooking Class
Eating is for sure one of the greatest pleasures of humankind, but cooking is not much further from eating when it comes to personal reward.
While bringing people closer to one another and awakening some of our best senses, cooking as a family could be the best activity that you could do with your children as a family during the quarantine.
Pick a recipe that is big within the family taste such as cookies, or pancakes, maybe a chocolate cake or even chicken nuggets get the whole family involved even the little ones, assign positions and work together as a team, set a nice table and play some fun music on the background but prepare for a cleaning session after it, as cooking as a family will most likely get really messy, but it will for sure bring great joy into quarantine life as a family.

Pot Planting
Teaching kids to develop a close relationship with living beings from a young age is a great way to help them gain a positive perspective on life.
Teaching them for how to care for it and how to appreciate nature is a lesson that will guide and benefit children for the rest of their adult lives, and while pot planting can be a little messy, it is for sure one of the greatest things you could do at home or in the garden with your little and also not so little ones.
Pick great ideas yo be used as pots such as used cans or empty containers maybe even an old shoe, get creative, and choose recycling options.
Choose the seeds you would like to plant, maybe things that you will use on your daily lives in the kitchen or herbal teas, allow the children to be a part of each process as they should be assigned to care for the plant which they will be potting themselves.
Choose organic dirt or if you can’t find that, just pick dirt from your backyard and just get into it. This activity will for sure bring you all close together and it will also be a great way to spend time as a family during the quarantine.

Throw A Dance Party
With everything shut down, and with you and your children having very little access to what life used to look like from a social perspective, missing a great party and just having fun with friends will for the sure hit you at some point, so why not throw a dance party?
Set the lights and make a great playlist, dress up and make sure to provide some party food, get everyone involved and maybe even choose a theme for the party and dress accordingly and embrace the experience, you will surely have a lot of fun as a family and your kids will feel like quarantine life just might be great fun.

Home School as A Family
With the schools shut down all over the world who said that your kids couldn’t continue the learning at home?
Homeschooling your kids during quarantine is a great way to implement the structure of their usual school life routine back while in quarantine and not just that, is a great way to help their brains to keep learning while at home.
So setting a schedule for different subjects such as math, history, astronomy, or maybe even fun subjects such as colors and shapes accordingly to your children’s age is ideal and that should definitely bring some sort of structure back into home life with the children.

Invent Your Own Games As a Family
Building a board game or any kind of game from scratch as a family is a great way to get your children to have fun while social distancing.
Brainstorm ideas, make a list of props, and get down to business while assigning everyone a task and doing it all together as a family.
Choose a great name for your game and allow everyone to have a go at it, and let it be fun and playful while being a learning and engaging experiment. Once you guys fishing building your game then play together as a family and enjoy the fruits of your labor as a team while having great fun with each other.