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Uganda Travel Guide: Places to Visit in Uganda


Uganda Travel Guide offers you all what you want about the country that features a variety of landscapes and, excellent wildlife watching and heart-warming local hospitality. Uganda is the home to Africa’s tallest mountain range, the source of the Nile, the world's longest river and the continent's largest lake.


Explore the best places to visit in Uganda and check the variety of information to enjoy your trip: famous attractions, weather, how to get there and more. Memphis Tours will lead you through the Best Places to Visit in Uganda!

The park is Uganda’s most well known savannah reserve and has the widest variety of wildlife among all the parks in the country. Know more!

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park is one of Africa’s most ancient habitats. Know more about the park that survived the Ice Age.


Ripon Falls Uganda which was formerly considered as the source of river Nile. Read more!

Located in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Ishasha Sector is certainly one of the very memorable destinations within Africa. Know more!

Mount Elgon National Park is one of botanical wonders and extraordinary game and unparalleled wildlife in Uganda. Know more!

The Zika Forest also spelled as the Ziika, is a tropical forest near Entebbe in Uganda. Read more!

Kidepo Valley National Park gallery of variant plant life and ever expansive wildlife and one of  Uganda's prominent Parks. Know more!

An Ultimate Guide to Kibale National Park in Uganda: location, best time to visit, things to do there and more. Read Now!


Here is all that you need to know about Kampala City. The capital and the largest city in all of Uganda. Know more. 


Lake Mburo National Park is the crown jewel of Uganda's Wildlife experiences. It has a lot to offer everyone. Know more!

There is no doubt that the park is one of the leading parks in Uganda due to its rare primates, especially mountain gorillas. Read more!


Ssese Islands is one of the most exotic and captivating islands in Uganda. Know more!


Kasubi Tombs site is a religious site in the Buganda Kingdom. It is the largest of the most traditional kingdoms in present-day Uganda. Read more.


Once the capital of Uganda, Entebbe Uganda is definitely and without a doubt one of the exceptional cities in Uganda. Read more!

Lira Uganda is a historical and monumental town in Uganda where visitors come and uncover the mysteries of this exotic city. Read more!

Murchison Falls National Park of Uganda is one of the few parks that is able to capture both the plant variety and animal variety. Read more!


One of the key attractions in Uganda is Murchison Falls also known as Kabalega Falls. Read more!


Fort Portal Uganda claims the title of “Tourism city of Uganda” proudly. Read more and know why...!


You know that a city is crucial to the country's financial well being when it has all the core institutions. The Ancient Mbale City in Uganda is an example of such reverence.

Jinja is the city that tourists come for to relax after a long safari in Uganda to enjoy the tranquility and the beauty of the Nile. Read more!


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What to wear African Safari?
As the saying goes knowledge is power so it’s important to have an idea what to pack in terms of attire. Firstly avoid packing your Sundays rather stick to casual and comfortable basic items of clothing as traversing through Africa can prove to be a messy affair. Secondly despite the popular belief that Jeans are a bad idea while travelling in Africa ground results tell a different story. A pair of jean pants or shorts can go a long way although they might get a little bit roughed up in the process. Thirdly African weather in general fluctuates easily .The moral of the story here is to pack items that can be easily removed so that your able to adapt to the highs and lows of the African climate. Last but not least is not to over pack but rather back a set amounts of pieces based in the duration you will be staying there and don’t worry you’ll get more than one chance to do some needed laundry.
How can I contact Memphis Tours to book a tour?
Memphis Tours is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to receive your booking inquiries via email, telephone, or live online chat. You can also submit a booking request form describing the trip you want to take, its length, and any other details you can provide and you will receive a reply promptly with a proposal from our representatives. Our toll-free number, email, and a link to our chat service can be found at the bottom of our homepage.
What do I need to do to book a tour and confirm my reservation?
Booking a tour is simple. All you need to do is contact our representatives via one of the methods listed above in question 4. You will receive a prompt response outlining the options available to you and then you can build a tour that will suit your needs in terms of budget, number of days, and points of interest with the help of one of our travel consultants. Once a plan has been decided, Memphis Tours will send you a detailed itinerary that includes all necessary information and plans for your trip. At this point, you will have to confirm your reservation with payment of a deposit. Your reservation will not be confirmed until payment of this deposit is received by Memphis Tours. The balance of payment will be due on arrival to begin your tour.
How much will I have to pay as a deposit? How will I pay it?
The deposit required will be 50% of the total price of the tour. You can pay the deposit using a credit card (Visa and MasterCard are accepted) or a bank order directly to Memphis Tours Egypt. Our representatives will be willing to provide any additional information or support you need to complete this payment. If payment of the deposit in one transaction is not possible, please contact Memphis Tours Egypt to enquire about the possibility of making the payment in installments.
Are flight tickets included?
We do offer the facility of booking your flight arrangements through us conditioned that it be alongside purchasing one of our packages but not as a standalone option. In case of booking flight arrangements with our packages the sales team will be contacting you to arrange the details. For further customization you can choose the departure airport and other flight arrangements.
Is there any surcharge on transactions completed using a debit or credit card?
Memphis Tours Egypt does not charge any additional fees or surcharges on any debit or credit card transactions. We accept Visa and MasterCard.
If I am forced to cancel my trip with Memphis Tours will I receive a refund?
Memphis Tours refund policy is detailed in our Terms and Conditions. The amount refunded depends on how far in advance we are notified about the cancellation.
Is Kenya considered a safe country?
While one must always be vigilant during any of their travels Kenya has surely been a concern for many travelers because of terrorist threats. Recently seeing an increase in security the country is mostly safe with the usual threats of pickpockets and “hasslers”.
What are the most common diseases?
Africa certainly has an impressive selection of tropical and other diseases, but you’re most likely to get traveler’s diarrhea, or a cold rather than anything exotic. If you stay up-to-date with your vaccinations and take some basic preventive measures, you’d be pretty unlucky to succumb to most of the other health hazards on offer.
When to take the vaccinations?
While it may be tempting, to leave your vaccines for the last minute, most immunization shots don’t take effect until two to four weeks after receiving them. It is advised that you visit your doctor four to eight weeks prior to your trip and also ask for your immunization record. This is mandatory for the African countries that require proof of yellow fever vaccination upon entry, which includes Kenya and its neighbors, but it’s a good idea to carry it anyway wherever you travel.
Are Tanzania and Zanzibar safe to visit?
Tanzania is generally safe, hassle-free and a relaxing country; it can be a welcome relief if you've recently visited some place like Nairobi. However you do need to take the usual precautions and keep up with government travel advisories. Avoid isolated areas, especially isolated stretches of beach. Like most of east Africa, as long as you stay up to date with your vaccinations you are most likely not to succumb to anything. Like most travelers you are likely to experience travelers diarrhea. Road accidents are the other main threat to your health. Never travel at night, and choose buses or private transport over dalla-dallas to minimize the risk.
Things to know before you go to Tanzania and Zanzibar
-Get a check-up from your dentist and your doctor if you have any regular medication or chronic illness, such as high blood pressure or asthma. -Organize spare contact lenses and glasses. -Get a first-aid and medical kit together; arrange necessary vaccinations. -Carry medications in their original (labeled) containers. -If carrying syringes or needles, have a physician’s letter documenting their medical necessity. While a yellow fever vaccination certificate is not officially required to enter Tanzania unless you’re coming from an infected area, carrying one is advised.
What are the basic vaccinations needed before traveling to Africa?
Being prepared is cardinal while travelling abroad and in our quest to provide you with a great ravel experience here are the essential vaccinations you might most likely need. The most common vaccinations would be Hepatitis B , Hepatitis A , Typhoid , Yellow Fever and last but not least Rabies. These are the basic vaccinations you need to cover before you start your African adventure. It is also highly advised that you advise your local medical center or institution to give you more insights in the matter.
Is Uganda considered a safe destination?
Despite a heavy military presence, Karamojaland in the northeast has a deserved reputation as a dangerous destination. In the past, groups of local cattle herders, the Karamojong, have been known to ambush highway travellers: sometimes to steal food or money, sometimes for vengeance and sometimes just for fun. There’s also occasional fighting between the Karamojong and the army and among the Karamojong themselves. And, to make matters more complicated, large numbers of armed Turkana people from Kenya often cross the border looking to steal cattle. However the government has been working hard over the past few years to fix these problems and the generalized touristic areas are away from these locations and are relatively safe besides petty crime. Like most of region before traveling one should make sure they are up to date with all of their health records and take a copy of your immunization card. Travellers are most likely to experience traveler’s diarrhea or a cold because of change in the environment and food.
Is Rwanda considered a safe destination?
Regarded as one of the safest countries in Africa, it may be surprising as there was a mass genocide in recent history. However the country has moved beyond this and has become a rising star in Africa for environmental safety, having banned plastic some 8 years ago. Please make note to avoid bringing plastic with you during your trip, as customs will confiscate it. Be sure to always be aware of your surroundings as petty crime can happen anywhere like any other country. Like most of the region there are no major health concerns be up to date with your immunization record and take a copy (yellow fever shots included), as well extra prescription medicines.
What is the standard check-out and check-in times for hotels in Africa?
The check out and in rules across Africa will vary according to the country you’re in and the policies of hotel you’re staying in. Mostly check-ins usually start either at 12 and 10 AM or 12 and 2 PM. Usually check-outs start at 12 AM or 10 AM or last until 10, 11 AM or 12 Pm .Naturally is possible other arrangements can be arranged with the place of accommodation.
What are the customs regulations of Kenya?
There are strict laws that prohibit taking wildlife products out of Kenya. The export of products made from elephant, rhino and sea turtle are totally prohibited. Also, the collection of coral is not allowed. Ostrich eggs will be confiscated unless you have a proof that you bought them from a certified ostrich farm. Always check to see what permits are required, especially for the export of any plants, insects and shells.
How can I get visa to Kenya?
There are three types of e-visas for people traveling to the Republic of Kenya temporarily: Single Entry Visa: Issued to persons for a single entry whose nationalities require a visa to enter Kenya either for business, tourism or medical reasons... Transit visa: Issued to persons connecting through Kenya to other destinations for a period not exceeding 72 hours. Those connecting flights directly without leaving the airport don’t need to apply for Transit visas... Courtesy visa: Issued to Diplomatic, Official and Service passport holders coming into the country on official duties, or transiting through Kenya to a third country for official business or duty. It is also issued to government officials and dignitaries on official duties but holding ordinary passports. It is issued free of charge / gratis... The e-visa is only available to passport holders from 148 e-visa eligible countries.
How much is Tanzania visa?
Most countries require a visa, which costs US$50 for most nationalities (US$100 for citizens of the USA) for a single-entry visa valid for up to three months. Officially, all travellers who come from a country with Tanzania diplomatic representation must obtain visas in advance. One-month single-entry visas are also currently issued on arrival at both Dar es Salaam and Kilimanjaro International Airports, at the Namanga border post between Tanzania and Kenya, and at Tunduma border.
What are types of visas to enter Tanzania?
There are five categories of visas that may be granted to foreigners other than prohibited immigrants who seek to enter the United Republic of Tanzania as follows: ORDINARY VISA: A Visa granted to foreigners other than prohibited immigrants seeking to enter the United Republic of Tanzania upon application for different purposes like a visit, leisure, holiday, business, health treatment, studies, or any other activity legally recognized by the Laws of the United Republic of Tanzania for validity not more than three months for a single entry only. TRANSIT VISA: It is a Visa granted to foreigners other than prohibited immigrants intending to pass through the United Republic of Tanzania to other destinations for a period not more than 14 days. Those persons should have onward tickets, sufficient fund for subsistence while in Tanzania and an entry Visa to the country of destination (where applicable) or any other proof to satisfy that such person will be allowed entry to that other country. MULTIPLE ENTRY VISAS: This is a Visa granted to those who are nationals of countries which require Visa for United Republic of Tanzania and who by nature of their businesses or circumstances are required to visit Tanzania frequently. Multiple Visas may be issued for a period of three, six or twelve months to permit the holder to enter and re-enter, and this is subject to the validity of the visa, provided that a single stay of the holder should not exceed a period of three months. GRATIS VISA: This is a Visa granted to holders of Diplomatic or Official/Service Passports when travelling on official missions to the United Republic of Tanzania and it is granted free of charge. In some cases, Gratis Visa may be granted to holders of Ordinary Passports where an exemption is given by the Issuing Authority. Note: Holders of Diplomatic and Service/Official passports when travelling on private visits into the United Republic of Tanzania are required to apply for visa like holders of ordinary passport. REFERRAL VISA: This is a Visa granted to nationals of countries that require a special clearance and approval from the Principal Commissioner of Immigration Services or the Commissioner of Immigration Services (Zanzibar) prior to the issuance of Visa.
How to get Uganda visa?
Most of the non-African passport holders visiting Uganda require visas, including Americans, Australians, Canadians, and almost all Europeans. Single-entry tourist visas are valid for up to 90 days with the cost US$50. Be sure to ask for a 90-day visa, or you’ll probably be given 30 or 60 days only. It’s easiest just to rock up at the airport or border and arrange one there; no photos needed. You will need a yellow fever certificate if arriving from an affected area, but is rarely requested. For Multiple-entry visas, they aren’t available on arrival, but it is possible for embassies abroad to issue them (US$100 for six months). Uganda is a country covered by the new East Africa Tourist Visa, and is also a cheaper alternative for those visiting Kenya and Rwanda on the same trip. The visa that costs US$100, is valid for 90 days and is multiple entry. It is available upon arrival or from embassies abroad. If acquiring the visa before travel, your first port-of-call must be the country through which you applied for the visa.
How to get Rwanda visa?
Foreigners wishing to obtain a Visa to Rwanda, submit their applications to Rwandan Diplomatic Missions of their Country of residence for processing. In case where we don’t have a Diplomatic Mission/consulate, foreigners usually receive a visa acceptance letter online, which will be presented on arrival to obtain a visa upon payment of visa fee ($30). Travelers of Hong Kong, Philippines, Mauritius, Singapore and the Democratic Republic of Congo, may visit Rwanda without a visa for a period up to 90 days. EAC Partner states citizens’ shall be issued with 6 months visitors pass (renewable) upon arrival with no fee. Travelers of Australia, Germany, Israel, New Zealand, Republic of South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, and United States of America, will be issued with entry visa valid for a period up to 30 days and will pay for a visa ($30) upon arrival without prior application.
What language do people in South Africa speak?
With many local tongues, East Africa is a treasure trove for tribal languages, however, English is widely spread and communicating should not pose a problem. It is also well to know that French speakers would find it particularly easy to communicate in Rwanda, as it is the main language there.
What is the accommodation in Africa Safari?
Like most of the rest of the world you can find five star to budget basic accommodations throughout your safaris. Hotels with chain names such as Fairmont hold to their standards of luxury and cover all of your needs in style, while your budget hotels provide you with a safe comfortable environment that promises not to break your bank account. A second form of accommodation is the lodge, deep in the heart of country sides and reserves you will find your lodges. Beautifully crafted, wooden housing with stunning views of the surrounding nature, these out of the way facilities provide you with all the creature comforts while remaining true to their nature as alternative housing. Camping grounds can be just as amazing as a hotel, provided with all you need, they are safe and allow you the chance to really become one with nature during your trip.
How is the weather in South Africa: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda?
The weather in Africa might vary according to when you’re visiting and where you’re going so hers a break down here are some insights to help you pack appropriately. - Kenya: the temperature of Kenya is tropical along the coast and the temperature inland becomes more arid. It’s sunny mostly and summer clothes are the standard throughout the year. The rainy seasons are from March to April and from May to June. The coldest months are February and march with the hottest starting from July until mid-august. - Rwanda: Rwanda’s temperature stands out as being relatively cool for equatorial countries due to its elevation .some regions having a daily average of 12 to 27 Celsius with little to non-changes throughout the year .Rwanda has two rainy seasons and 2 dry seasons. The rainy seasons run from February to June while the second runs September to December while the 2 dry seasons are in operation mainly from June to September and the other from December to February. - Tanzania: Tanzania is a kind of mixed bowl regarding weather. In the highlands the temperature ranges between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius during cold hot seasons equally. The rest of the country temperature rarely dips below the 20 degree Celsius mark with the climax of hot weather usually hitting between 25 to 31 degrees Celsius graces Tanzania between the months of November and February. The situation in Tanzania begins to get chilly around May until august with the temperature ranging between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius. Last but not least is the rainfall regimes, there are two basic regimes each experienced in different parts of the country the Uni-model and the Bi-model. The uni-model is experienced in the western, southern and central parts and lasts from October to April .The Bi- model dominates the area north and to the east of lake Victoria the from October to December and from March to May. - Uganda: Perfectly situated on the Equator line there aren’t many weather fluctuations and also can’t be described as too cold or too warm. The capital of Uganda Kampala and the areas of higher altitude enjoy a slightly milder climate than the south due to its location near Lake Victoria. The dry seasons in Uganda can be divided into two groups of months .The first being June , July and August with June and July being the driest of them average temperatures hover around 27 degrees Celsius in the afternoon and 16 degrees Celsius in the Morning . The second group is comprised of December, January and February with the daytime temperature reaching 28 degrees Celsius and the morning temperatures reaching 16 degrees Celsius. Last but not least is the wet season runs through March, April, May, September, October and November with the more rainfall in the first three months than the latter three.
What is the currency of South Africa?
Currency converters are readily available as well as ATM machines in all major cities that make it easy for you to withdraw cash. You can also make your dealings in dollars, euros or sterling pounds if you hadn’t converted your money to the local currency.
What is the criteria of tipping in south africa safari?
Like most countries tipping is customary to show one's satisfaction with good services. You are in no way obliged to, however if you’re willing to do so it would be well appreciated.
While all of your transportation needs are covered on your safari with well maintained vehicles, you may feel the need to venture out on your own, public transport usually involve crowded buses called, dalla dallas, matatu or others depending on which country you’re in. It is recommended that you arrange transport with known services.
Best time to go on an African safari ?
The best time to go on a truly exquisite African safari would be at the time of the great migration of the wildlife from Tanzania’s Serengeti to Kenya’s Masai Mara which is in itself is something to die for .How much you’re going to be able to see Depends on the raining patterns and the dry and wet seasons. In between January and March in the southern Serengeti there’s the Mass calve birthing. From July to august there’s the river crossing. In conclusion the best period to embark on your African safari and enjoy vivid wildlife and pristine weather conditions would be to take your decision based on a combination of destination and timing .For example from November to December are the best periods to be visiting Uganda and Ivory Coast. From July to August is also a great time to visit Uganda and so on and so forth.
whats the currency and can I exchange dollars/ euros while abroad ?
The national currency for each country will differ however the know-how of the local currency and it’s the exchange rate in comparison to others is crucial in budget managing while abroad. For example the currency of Kenya is the Kenyan Shilling which has an exchange rate for the dollar is 0.0097 and for the euro its 0.0087 .Secondly the Tanzanian shilling goes for a 0.00044 in case of exchange rate is either checking the dollar and its 0.00039 for a euro. Thirdly the Rwandan Frank goes for 0.0011 dollars and 0.00098 euros. Last but not least is the Ugandan Shilling goes for 0.00027 dollars and 0.00024 euros. Due to the modernization of technology knowing the exchange rate of any currency is one click away and if you’re not comfortable with checking it online than you could always get the exchange rate used by the bank although it might be a tad bit below what you can get outside of it.
How long is the flight to Africa?
The flights to Africa will vary depending on the country your heading to and the country that you will be departing from but most likely you’re going to have a lot of time to get to know the Pilots, cabinet crew and maybe even some of your fellow passengers. If you’re departing from the U.S (United States) for example the duration would be around 16 hours from J.F.K airport in New York to J.N.B in Johannesburg each airport being the nearest airport in each country.
Is the Safari activity kid friendly and are there any activities in the safari for kids?
Going on a Safari is truly a once in a lifetime experience for adults and youngsters alike. With our tours some of the game parks or natural reserves that will be explored include but are not restricted to game parks such as the Serengeti National Park, Ngorongoro conservation among other .All of these previously mentioned parks include special activities for children plus safety is highly regarded and considered on these tours for both the young and the old of age.
What are the places I can visit or other activities i can do alongside or instead of the safari?
Although Africa’s safaris are enough to leave you wanting more and with our guided tours, well-crafted itineraries it is a truly exciting and engaging experience. However Safari tours are not the only thing Africa has to offer there are many other equally riveting and interesting activities including but not limited to relaxing on one of the many pristine and exotic beaches that Africa has to offer .scale towering mountains such as Kilimanjaro, mount Kenya and the atlas mountains in morocco like a true mountaineer. Not into physical activity? Don’t worry the black continent is filled to the brim with historical monuments from the days of old such as Mamuno Monument, Fort Jesus, Larabange Mosque and many more.In conclusion Africa is a treasure trove of culture,art,traditions,amazing cuisine, exotic animals and scenery and so much more.
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  • Check-up from your dentist and your doctor if you have any regular medication or chronic illness, such as high blood pressure or asthma.
  • Organize spare contact lenses and glasses.
  • Get a first-aid and medical kit together; arrange necessary vaccinations.
  • Carry medications in their original (labeled) containers.
  • If carrying syringes or needles, have a physician’s letter documenting their medical necessity.
  • There are strict laws that prohibit taking wildlife products out of Kenya.
  • Public transport usually involve crowded buses called, dalla dallas, matatu or others depending on which country you’re in Africa.
  • Kenya: Visit Maasai Mara, Lake Nakuru and Amboseli National Park, Amboseli, Naivasha, Mount Kilimanjaro, Lake Nakuru.
  • Tanzania: Visit The Serengeti National Park, the Ngorongoro Crater and the Serengeti, Tarangire National park.
  • Uganda: Enjoy the rhinos of the Ziwa project, marvel at the great Nile river and Murchison falls, the national parks for Chimps and Gorillas.
  • Rwanda: Enjoy Kigali, prime apes, dense forest, plantations, and beautiful lakeside scenery
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