
ِAncient Egyptian History

Egypt's history is much longer than most countrys'. In over 5000 years, many important figures have emerged and countless events have shaped Egypt's history and culture. This brief overview will tell you about the most famous people and greatest moments in Egypt's long history and inspire you to explore Egypt's past from ancient times up to the present.

The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt

The Old Kingdom of Ancient Egypt is the foundation upon which all of Egypt’s long and storied history has been built. 

The Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt

Middle Kingdom of Ancient Egypt: Archaeologists refer to the second period of stability in Ancient Egypt as the Middle Kingdom (2055–1650 BC)

The New Kingdom of Ancient Egypt

During the New Kingdom Egypt reached new heights of power and wealth. The territory ruled by the pharaohs expanded into new frontiers in the south, west, and east.

Queen Hatshepsut | Luxor | Egypt

Hatshepsut is distinguished in history for being one of the most successful pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Tutankhamoun King | Ancient Egypt Kingdom

King Tut, as Tutankhamun is popularly known, is probably the most famous figure from Ancient Egyptian history.

King Ramses II: Facts, Accomplishments, Life and Death

Ramesses II, or Ramesses the Great, is one of the most famous figures in the history of Ancient Egypt.

Greco-Roman Period

The arrival of Alexander opened a new era in Egyptian history. Even though Alexander and his army were Greek, he was regarded by the Egyptians as a liberator, freeing them from Persian control.

Behind the Throne: Exploring the Life and Reign of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt

Journey with us as we explore the life & reign of Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. This blog delves into her strategies, power plays, and the legacy she left behind.

Alexander the Great | Egypt History

Alexander the Great arrived in Egypt in 332 BC. After defeating the Persian emperor Darius for control of Syria and the Levant, Alexander marched to Egypt.

Early Islamic Period in Egypt

Nearly a thousand years of Greco-Roman rule in Egypt came to an abrupt end in 641 AD when an army of Arab Muslims lead by Amr Ibn Al-Aas captured Alexandria. Islam was only a few decades old at the time.

Amr Ibn Al-Aas

Islam arrived in Egypt and the entire continent of Africa in 640 AD with General Amr Ibn Al-Aas of the Rashidun Islamic Caliphate.

Salah Al-Din Al-Ayyubi

Saladin is the anglicized name for Salah Ad-Din, one of the most famous Muslim historical figures in the West. Coming from Sunni Kurdish origins in Syria.

Sultan Mohammad Ali

Mohammad Ali is regarded as the father of modern Egypt. He founded the Khedivate of Egypt and Sudan in 1805, capitalizing on the disorder in Egypt that followed the French occupation (1798 to 1801)