

Dear Mr Fayez:
First of all I want to thank you for the fantastic tour your company has provided us. The time we have spent in Egypt will be unforgettable for all of us. Hotels and cruiser have been very nice; all hotels have been of a very good quality and we found them nice clean and cosy and we have enjoyed very much the stay.
I, my cousins and my daughter want to highlight to you the high professionality and dedication of ALL the Memphis tours representatives who have taken care of ourselves during the whole tour.
Among all Memphis Representatives, we want to do a special mention to the dedication and help given to us by both Mr Ahmet of Aswan and Mr. Ahmet of Luxor, realising a very good and professional job who always leaves your company on a very high position.
We want also to thank all the guides provided by Memphys, all of them have been very professional, helpfull, polite, human, and extremely patient with our questions to them (Jazmine in Luxor has a deep knowledge of egypcian archeology and speaks very fluent spanish).
And at the end we want to thank your, Mr. Fayez, for all your advices and patience in preparing our tour. I will recommend your agency services to interested people who will ask me for a travel through Egypt.
Many, many thanks and I do not disregard to come back to your marvellous country again, in these case we will be in contact. Take care !!!! Always yours sincerelly,